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Friday, December 24, 2021

The Most Beloved Figure In The Music World

If you asked me who I thought the most beloved figure in the music world is, after some thought, I would have to say Elton John.  My reasoning is...MOST people just know him as the flamboyant Rocket Man, portrayed by his 70s persona and the biopic of recent years. Outside of that, on a personal level, he does amazing things that no one will ever know about, that he does not promote and mark my words, come a day when he is gone, the stories of the lives he has touched will be endless. 

He is a voracious consumer of music and is aware of every new act and genre that is out there.  He often reaches out to up and comers and offers friendship, mentorship and guidance. 

He started his career as a session musician for hire, and even in the later years of his career, his love of performance for performance sake keeps him on the scene as a session collaborator for countless musicians he counts as his friends.  Even his Uber Eats commercials showcase his friendships and his amazing sense of humor.  The stories of his family, relationships and friendships and collaborations are not well known publicly for now, but mark my words...his legacy beyond his body of work will be the relationships he has forged as a friend and benefactor to many.  His notable charity work... His daily regimen of calling and checking in on people, with no agenda other than to check in...the roster is amazing, and diverse, as is his life. 

Good on Sir Elton.  May our time to wait to hear these stories be long.

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