Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Observation on Patriotism, Sacrifice and Team Play

Just a quick note.  Many of us were not alive during WW2, but can easily see documentation of the patriotic war effort our country had against our enemy.  The citizens voluntarily sacrificed for the war effort, donating supplies and time to the cause.  No sacrifice was too large, and everyone was proud to help.

Fast forward to today, and we are mired in a few wars and actions, and being asked to give up nothing in our daily lives...yet the bill needs to be paid, and now the piper is calling a tune.  Yet it seems no one wants to bear any of the cost or sacrifice in the name of patriotism, like our fathers and grandfathers did.  We remain fat, dumb, happy and uninvolved.  It baffles me that while our country is going bankrupt, no one wants to step forward and take the hit.  Everyone wants theirs...and everyone has their hand out, but no one wants to sacrifice.  Not even those who could afford to.  It just gives me pause to reflect on how that would look to our leaders from 60 some years ago.

"One nation...indivisible..." my ass!  This country is so divided, that its fall is imminent.  We need a social enema to get our priorities straight.  My Dad was a depression baby, and while I largely did not get along with him, one thing he repeated as a mantra stuck with me.  He always said that we did not know how good we had it, and that we all needed to live thru a depression to appreciate it more.  The system does not work any longer, and a large part of that is the mindset of those who are in the system, and those who control it.  Maybe we need to hit a bottom before we raise a sinking ship. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The 80s Are The New 60s: A Rambling Essay Concerning The Cultural Observations of a Middle Aged Man

I was born in the 60’s, and raised in the 70s.  My father was born in 1917.  These facts help to shape my cultural perspective.  I am old enough to remember throwbacks and hippies, and the 50s ALWAYS seemed like a long time ago.  Fifties culture ALWAYS has been retro, to me.  Happy Days was a huge hit in the middle seventies, and seemed like ancient culture to me, but when I think about it, it had only been 15 years since the 50’s!  It is amazing to me that my perspective would allow me to accept that show as a look at the retro, when most of the TV I was watching in the 70s was from the 50s and 60s!  (For the record, Happy Days does not age well culturally and is unwatchable now as an adult decades later, LOL!!)   I was not culturally aware in the 60s, but always culturally aware OF the 60s.  I lived the stereotypical 70s.  I lived thru the polyester disco era, and did have a leisure suit.  I saw rock die, and be born again.  I witnessed the new wave.  I saw the birth of “alternative” music.  I remember the first times hearing rap music, and the first time I saw a break-dancer on the sidewalk.  The hair stood up on the back of my neck when I first heard Nirvana.  I wanted my MTV.     

My observations are borne of several events.  The first event was that I found myself humming a song that I had learned from an Abbott and Costello movie.  I was thinking it was an old movie.  Now for some perspective, I was probably watching a lot of Abbott and Costello movies in 1975 as a 10-year-old boy.  It was a regular thing to view movies from the 40s and 50s, as they were aired regularly on TV.  They seemed ancient then, but in perspective, if it was from 1945, it was only a 30-year-old film.  Today, a 30-year-old film would be one from 1981!  There are still plenty of films from that era that would “feel” contemporary, but thinking like a 20 year old today, the must feel ancient!  

  When I was 10, my father was a 58-year-old man.  He probably became culturally aware in 1927, during the depression.  I grew up in a house where 40s culture was HIS stimulus…big band, orchestra and show music.  The 20’s were his 60s.  I am sure that in the 40’s, it was a novelty to dress up and have parties dressing in zoot suits and flapper gear. 

Another event that got me thinking, was that I recently did an event with an 80s theme.  I lived thru the 80s, and the outfit I wore actually was based around a piece of clothing I HAD in the 80s.  Most of the guests were in their 20s and 30s, and it was interesting to see their take on a decade that I have great familiarity with.  Many of them NAILED it perfectly!  Most of them were born in the 80s…hmmm; I was born in the 60s.  The sixties dress up was popular for my generation when I was younger.  I observed to myself that we would always look back nostalgically, whether that is good or bad, on the era in which we were born, and always evolve out of that era into a new fashion sense.  This seems to be happening in 10-year cycles, and 20 years always begins to seem “retro”.  Of course, if you are 20, retro is not that far away, but if you are 40, that scary retro has a familiarity, and you can think back 20 more years…then I started looking at the 60 year olds in the room and thinking how their memories must go back even further to THEIR 60s…the 40s.

As we get older, and have more years under our belt, time perspective changes.  A year is 1/10th of the life of a 10 year old, but only 1% of the life of a 100 year old.  This is why summers were so short when we were kids, and go by so fast as adults.  As a teen, it is amazing to think of what I considered an OLD car.  My first real car was an old Ford.  A buddy of mine got it from his dad, who was a car dealer. He drove it hard, beat the crap out of it and had a slight accident with it and sold it to another friend of mine.  He took it apart and put it back together again and beat the crap out of it.  We spent days and days working on it all thru high school, then after graduation he sold it to me and I beat the crap out of it.  In the meantime, I always got compliments on my “great OLD Ford.”  Everyone used to talk about my “OLD Ford” and ask me about it, and I took pride in owning an old car.  The reality is, this car was only 14 years old and had less than 100 thousand miles!!  As a man in my 40s (and admittedly in an era when cars last longer), no one looks twice at a 14-20 year old car.  OR DO THEY?  I now look at this thru the eyes of a 20 year old.

Loris has 3 kids in their 20s, so I get SOME perspective culturally from them…BUT most of my perspective comes from the 20-30 year olds I meet at work.  Many of my closest contemporaries and closest friends happen to be as young as Loris kids or younger.  I started doing my job 13 years ago…I was a man in my very early 30s, playing to 20 somethings at Finns.  Now I find myself in my mid 40s, playing to 20 somethings at Finns.  My cultural perspective finds balance by the 80 year olds in my audience at some of my other venues.

Another recent event giving me perspective was the DAY after the 80s party…and this event was an 85th birthday party for a good friend.  Seeing all the generations, and supplying the music to please them all really got my mind going in regard to cultural relevance.  That means that my friend was born in 1926, and that the 1920’s were her “60s”, and that culture from the 1890s probably seemed relevant, yet old.  While her great grand kids were singing karaoke, this gave me pause to reflect!

So back to work, I tend to play music at work that I like.  Maybe not as popular, but that is what gives my shows their flavor.  I was playing 80s music that was a little more obscure while getting ready for the show, and in between singers.  THIS was when I had the epiphany that what I was putting the 20 year olds thru was equivalent to making me, as a 21 year old, listen to 60s music!  Thankfully people seem to enjoy it and I can remain relevant!  LOL!

I have been fortunate that the music I find relevant comes back around as the cycle continues and the younger generation embraces it.  I find teens and twenty somethings very knowledgeable about classic rock, and R&B music.  I get requests for this era and they seem to be singing it.  I am FAR more tolerant of 40s and 50s music now than I was as a kid, and if I were honest, my favorite music comes from the 60s and 70s. 

Another event that shaped my ramblings was the screamo-metal folks that would perform on my stage at the old Finnegan’s/Finns.   Personally, in a karaoke environment or DJ environment, I am not a big fan of the screamo-metal that was finding its way to my stage for 5 minutes years ago.  It seems to have thankfully waned in that arena.  That will be the cool thing to imitate in 2025 if history is any indication.

If you have a baby or young child right now, today is going to be their “60s”.  I think our perspective of life and culture is always grounded in the decade in which we are born, and tempered by the number of years we live.  I will just continue to observe this from my perch on the stage.   

Peace, Man!  HA!   

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Can You Be Found If You Cant Be Found?

I am pretty good at marketing.  I have studied it a bit, and learned a lot about marketing on the job.  I don't expect everyone to be good at it, BUT I would expect those who make a living by being accessible to the public, to figure out how to remain accessible to the public. 

It never ceases to amaze me how many people I know that rely on phones to make a living, yet often change their phone number...or continuously change their email addresses.  I try to refer work to people, or to call people to cover dates for me, and find the numbers disconnected, change or just not answered. 

I got a message from someone not long ago, and when I returned the call, it said the mailbox was full...sent a message to a social site that was not read because they called me back because I did not call THEM back, LOL!!

When I needed to go to NY on the spur of the moment last year, I was amazed at how hard it was to contact people who do what I do for a website, invalid email and changed phone numbers.

On the other side of that equation, being too email or website that is too difficult to remember, or putting 3 phone numbers on your vehicle...pick one and forward it!!

I have been in the biz for 13 years and have never changed my email, or phone number!  Sometimes, it is that simple.  Just sayin'.

Out of sight...out of mind.  Don't let your inaccessibility be the reason you do not succeed.   

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

WHAT Does God Have To Do With Patriotism, Socialism or Government?

Ponderous policial rant... the city of Kissimmee is changing its logo to reflect one change:  The addition of "In God We Trust".  From the Orlando Sentinel:  HERE IS THE ARTICLE

"Kissimmee city commissioners are looking again to change their folksy logo, this time to incorporate the motto "In God We Trust."  Commissioner Art Otero, who proposed the addition, said he was prompted to suggest the change because he doesn't agree with the direction the country is going under the Obama administration, which he referred to as "socialist." He said his initiative was not based on faith but on patriotism.
"This nation has been moving toward more liberal postures such as homosexuality, gay marriage, abortion and the legalization of marijuana," Otero said. "I'm against that way of thinking. Those are not the values upon which this nation was founded. I think we need to fight for the values we're losing."

I am not opposed necessarily to the term, In God We Trust, but I believe that Mr. Otero and others in his position with the same argument are wrong for bringing church and state together, and imposing their personal faith based belief on their constituents in the name of politics.  There are plenty of gays, marijuana smokers, abortion supporters, homosexuals, and people who do not believe in "God", or whose "God" may be tolerant of such.

The values on which this country were founded, last time I went to school, were freedom...and freedom from religious persecution.  I am all about fighting for values, or a better country, but your rationale is all wrong, and thrusting God into a political forum made up of all people, seems to be stepping backwards, not forwards.

Now, lets go to Kissimmee and  heal us some queers.   

___________________ END ORIGINAL POST _____________________________-

Wanted to add some comments that appeared when I posted a link to this at FaceBook.  There is a lot more info in them:

  • Michael Powers I am always wary of a politician who wraps themselves in their religion even if I have similiar beliefs...
    Wednesday at 1:13pm · · 1 person
  • Melanie Hamilton So let me see if I have this straight--it's patriotic to divide people over God and Country just because *you* don't like the current President. oooookayyyy....
    Wednesday at 1:25pm · · 1 person
  • Bill Smith Wonder if Mr. Otero hangs out in bathrooms at parks,,,,,?
    Wednesday at 2:08pm · · 2 people
  • Hamilton Timmer I commented on your blog.
    Wednesday at 2:34pm ·
  • Derek Dragojevic
    I wish we would just take all this god non-sense out of our government. We built this country on freedom of religion, which allows people to believe in no god if they wish. So why is the statement on all our money and said at public schools in the pledge? It's unconstitutional if you ask me. Anything to do with a god is religious, and there is supposed to be a very distinct separation of church and state, just like it's supposed to be illegal to purchase fireworks in Florida...
    Wednesday at 2:38pm · · 2 people
  • Bill Smith God is in politics because politicians know that the majority of voters are older, more conservative christian sorts. They pander to those who put them in office. If pagans and atheists and gays were the loudest majority of voters then politicians would pander to them. It's that simple.
    Wednesday at 2:51pm ·
  • Harry Smith
    Getting several messages from different people making point of saying I am a liberal, LOL. I wear no label, I am issue driven. I can see any side of an argument if it is presented, and I am not a fan of hypocrisy. I would point out that ...See More
    Wednesday at 3:30pm · · 3 people
  • Daniel Sheehan Just as racism has delined steadily for 400 years, steadily but at great cost with wars and fights for justice, another scourge on humanity will decline with even greater speed in the age of information, literacy and eduacation for all. That scourge is religious thought with all its rejection of the rational, scientific, and equality for humankind.
    Wednesday at 3:32pm ·
  • Harry Smith I have no issue with religion until it interferes with the government. We the people have a right to any faith we choose, but when our governors thrust their belief system upon us, I take issue with that. When the do it and say it is not based on faith, but on patriotism...I find that ridiculous, especially considering we have only been here a few hundred years after fleeing persecution and tyranny.
    Wednesday at 3:35pm · · 3 people
  • Daniel Sheehan Church and state separation for the win!
    Wednesday at 3:38pm · · 3 people
  • Harry Smith That seemed to be the value that our country was formed on.
    Wednesday at 3:39pm ·
  • Harry Smith
    I really avoid topical issues like the plague, because people get their feathers ruffled. I imagine I will lose at least 4 friends and some customers over this alone, LOL. Grrr. I enjoy hearing an opposing view...others seem to need to be surrounded by the like minded. I dont get that. What preacher wants to continually preach to the choir? A world in which everyone agreed with me would be boring, and I would learn nothing.
    Wednesday at 3:42pm · · 2 people
  • Melanie Hamilton It's all about blurring the lines between patriotism and faith, to make theocracy acceptable because if you don't, you'll be made to feel like a loser. IMO, it's really just another way to divide people. Divided we will fall.
    Wednesday at 3:43pm ·
  • Harry Smith As we are. As we are.
    Wednesday at 3:44pm ·
  • Derek Dragojevic
    I'm registered as an independant, and Chris Rock can explain best:

    "The whole country's got a f**ked up mentality. We all got a gang mentality. Republicans are f**king idiots. Democrats are f**king idiots. Conservatives are idiots and liberals are idiots. Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear the issue is a f**king fool. Everybody, nah, nah, nah, everybody is so busy wanting to be down with a gang! I'm a conservative! I'm a liberal! I'm a conservative! It's bulls**t! Be a f**king person. Listen. Let it swirl around your head. Then form your opinion. No normal decent person is one thing. OK!?! I got some s**t I'm conservative about, I got some s**t I'm liberal about."
    Wednesday at 3:53pm · · 2 people
  • Melanie Hamilton
    I seriously believe that if everyone quit watching the crap passing for "news", a lot of the infighting and dividing would stop. They put divisive shit out there and they do it very carefully--someone WANTS us divided. And when I say someone, I'm not talking about a particular administration--this has been going on for forty years now.

    (puts on English major cap) There's a whole science devoted to the power of language and how to manipulate people with it, and I swear, it's happening right now with our media. It's not that hard to coordinate it anymore, there's only four or five conglomerates that control all of it now.
    Wednesday at 3:54pm ·
  • Melanie Hamilton Chris Rock is a pretty smart guy :-)
    Wednesday at 3:56pm ·
  • Hamilton Timmer Gays don't like what Heterosexuals do to each other. But Ive never had one tell me Hetero was wrong. I bet the guy you are talking about is a closet case Homophobe.
    Wednesday at 3:58pm · · 1 person
  • Harry Smith I registered IND but then could not vote in the primaries. Had to pick a side to join the fight. If you are not an R or D, you dont have a voice in the primaries.
    Wednesday at 4:00pm · · 1 person
  • Bill Smith I alwys thoght you seemed to lean towards the conservative side Harry. Mr Otero lost all credibility for me by blaming Obama for gays and marijuana tolerance. Usually those who scream the loudest against things are ultimately exposed as partakers in said things. Just ask Anthony Weiner. He's the latest. Maybe Mr. Otero is next.
    Wednesday at 4:03pm ·
  • Melanie Hamilton That's the only reason I'm registered with a party. Um, not that our primary votes really *counted* last time or anything. If it's gonna get screwed up again next year, I'm going back to "no party affiliation" :-(
    Wednesday at 4:04pm ·
  • Karen Mott Yeah, pathetic excuse, and it will end up costing them in massive legal fees I betcha, when someone - aided by the ACLU - brings suit against the city for using public funds to promote religion. Now, if they were trying to put "In Thor We Trust" on there, I'd be down with that....
    Wednesday at 5:27pm · · 1 person
  • Bill Smith Go Thor!
    Wednesday at 5:28pm · · 2 people
  • Tom Bulfin I'm not convinced that the word "God" necessarily implies any specific "religion" or "Church".
    Wednesday at 9:43pm ·
  • Bill Smith It does when the person pushing the issue has a strong affiliation with a particular church,,,or is pandering towards a certain "group" of religious sorts.
    Wednesday at 9:47pm ·
  • Tom Bulfin My understanding is that the Founders wrote and spoke of Nature's God, and Natural Law.
    Wednesday at 9:47pm ·
  • Bill Smith Today's people seem to have let go of what our founders were thinking,,,it's all about applying things to one's own personal needs and potential benefits anymore.
    Wednesday at 9:52pm · · 1 person
  • Tom Bulfin Exactly. I don't go to any Church, but have a profound respect of Nature, and have studied Eastern philsophy in great depth. Ignorance is our greatest enemy.
    Wednesday at 9:57pm ·
  • Bill Smith Yeah,,just look at the general populations' response to a recent court case,,,,ignorance is rampant. I'm with you on the religion thing.
    Wednesday at 10:00pm ·
  • Harry Smith I would love for this guy, in a non "religious" way, to tell me how changing the logo to say "In God We Trust" is going to save Kissimmee from gays, socialists, obama, and marijuana! That is what I was pointing out. I have no problem with it if they come out and say it, but to do this, and say it is about patriotism not faith is just silly.
    Wednesday at 10:03pm ·
  • Bill Smith Of course it's silly. And those who don't understand that it's silly need to take a breath,,,turn off the visceral reactions,,,set the emotional thing aside and think for themselves just for a minute. A hearty task lately for most folks.
    Wednesday at 10:06pm ·
  • Tom Bulfin It is silly. Education in this country has become laughable.. and how much money have we thrown at it? Indoctrination is not education, and it happens on both sides.
    Wednesday at 10:08pm ·
  • Harry Smith How much money will Kissimmee spend to change all the old logos to new logos, and what if they just gave that to a school instead?
    Wednesday at 10:11pm ·
  • Tom Bulfin God only knows... LOL
    Wednesday at 10:13pm · · 1 person
  • Old Haw Creek
    This country was founded by Christians seeking to practice faith without persecution and to allow other faiths to worship as well. God is in out Declaration of Independence because our forefathers died trying to fight for the right to have "God" in their lives whatever way they saw fit. Thats what makes our country great... So rather you like it or not, this country is, and was founded by Christians... With a high majority of the population today still Christians. So if you have a problem, move to another country/society that will let you believe what you want. Or just dont say "god" when saying the pledge of allegience, or whatever floats your boat...But at least have some respect for our forefathers who died for the opportunity we have, or our grandparents who fought So that we aren't speaking German, or our current soldiers who are fighting against terrorist that will kill you... Not because your Christian, but because your American.....
    Thursday at 3:46pm ·
  • Old Haw Creek In Thor we trust.... Nice....
    Thursday at 3:47pm · · 1 person
  • Harry Smith
    I "get" what you are saying, 100%. But, the singular point of my rant is, how responsible is it to say they are adding "In God We Trust" to the city logo, because the person suggesting the change is not in favor of the current administration, and its policies, and the current "liberal" policy leanings regarding homos and pot, then in the same breath say it is not about faith, but about patriotism? He is suggesting that the city should turn to God and away from where they are headed. That sounds like preaching faith to me. That is my issue. I have no problem with allowing anyone to follow their faith. I have an issue with a politician pushing faith and calling IT patriotism.
    Thursday at 3:52pm ·
  • Old Haw Creek In God OHC trusts!
    Thursday at 3:57pm ·
  • Harry Smith I can totally respect that. That is your FAITH, not your POLITICS. You may make political choices BASED on your faith, but your politicians should not be making your choices based on theirs.
    Thursday at 3:59pm ·
  • Bill Smith
    There's a big difference between our forefathers' use of God in the Declaration of Independence and politicians of today using "God" to pander to voters and to spew hatred towards certain groups of people. After all, the forefathers also said "all men are created equal",,,,not all "Christian" men. Also,,,,if you read the Declaration,,,,it refers to Nature's God,,,,and the "Creator",,,,,not a Baptist's God,,,,or any other religious sect. Not even Christian. The forefather's beliefs as well as God Himself have been bastardized to suit people's needs and whims. That is not what our forefathers were trying to do when this country was founded.
    Thursday at 4:01pm ·
  • Bill Smith Mr. Otero's push to put "God" into the logo is a pure case of pandering,,,and an excuse to push hatred,,,,it has nothing to do with God.
    Thursday at 4:03pm ·
  • Bill Smith Looking at it, our forefathers only mention the word "Christian" once in the Declaration,,,and they were using it to describe a king and his atrocities. Hmmmm,,,,,,
    Thursday at 4:21pm ·
  • Old Haw Creek I pledge allegiance, to the flag of the United States of America. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible... With liberty and justice for all. Has a nice ring too it doesn't it? Oh yea!
    Thursday at 5:19pm · · 1 person
  • Harry Smith
    Well, yes and no. I am not trying to be the "anti-God" guy here, lol. That is not my agenda at all. BUT given my original point, when backed into a corner, I can produce facts, rather than emotion. (Much like a certain jury...). Bringing up the pledge, it was composed in the late 1800s by a SOCIALIST minister. (Christian socialism is espoused by those who are on the Christian left as well as socialist. Ironic, because of Mr. Oteros fear of socialism, but I digress... It was edited for his purposes, and eventually adopted, BY POLITICIANS, in 1942 as our national pledge. The words UNDER GOD were not in there then, and were added in the 50s, finally proposed by a politician after it having been pushed by groups such as the SAR and Knights of Columbus. Ironically, Eisenhower was raised a Jehovahs Witness...and had recently converted to a Presbyterian, and the Jehovahs Witnesses have been a vocal opponent to the two words BECAUSE the bible states that no allegiance is to be formed to anyone other than God. SO, what seemed like a good concept, actually has become more divisive itself. That verse does not appear in a bible, it was concieved in good theory, and adopted into the POLITICS, without a real concern for God, whoever each person may feel that "god" is.
    Thursday at 5:58pm ·
  • Harry Smith I am not the anti God guy, just the separation of church and state guy.
    Thursday at 5:59pm ·
  • Harry Smith I dont want my preachers dictating how I vote any more than I want my politicians telling me how to praise.
    Thursday at 5:59pm ·
  • Harry Smith
    Are legalized pot smokers unamerican? Are gays unamerican? Is tolerance of gays unamerican? Is the freedom to support or condemn the sitting president unamerican? Are people who get or support abortion unamerican? OR do they just not sit right with a segment of people who label themselves Christian? THESE are the people Mr Otero does not support, simply because HE does not agree with THEIR ideology, and THAT is why he proposed the addition of IN GOD WE TRUST. In that scenario, it is total crap. These people are expressing their rights to be free and not impeded by the government, or the government imposed God.
    Thursday at 6:15pm ·
  • Harry Smith God should not work for any government, or be a representative. A god should work thru those who are in power and believe. Constituents should not be coerced to live a certain way, by the word of the government, on authority of God.
    Thursday at 6:16pm ·
  • Harry Smith
    OHC, you said "But at least have some respect for our forefathers who died for the opportunity we have...Not because your Christian, but because your American". Is it not the more American concept to embrace the diversity and allow people to be diverse, or are we embracing that when the chips are down we should all pray to God? Which America is it? They are mutually exclusive concepts if in the name of a certain God or religion, one is castigated for being different.
    Thursday at 6:27pm · · 1 person
  • Old Haw Creek Well put Harry!
    Thursday at 7:27pm ·
  • Old Haw Creek
    The whole statement was meant to allow individuals to pay their own respects to whatever "god" they like.... Realizing that whatever one you worship is your choice. However, being an American means we should respect others religious choices, and more importantly, respect the men and women that have given their all for this great country. If a politician wants to bring the "god" subject to their forum, then it's their career that their gambling with... But it is also their right to take that stance, just as it's the right of ours to question that stance. Should church and state be separated. I don't know the answer.... In fact, nobody has that answer... And those who believe that their view is the ultimate correct view are lost and naive. We can only answer that question for ourselves and voice our opinion with friends such as yourself when the right forum is here. As for me.... I vote for the best candidate, not a party line..... Too bad about those primaries too... There should be more opportunities for the taxpayer / voter!
    Thursday at 7:44pm · · 1 person
  • Tom Bulfin Separation of Church and State is not in The Constitution. Christine O'Donnel got hammered for that statement. She was correct. The same way Sarah Palin was mocked for her comment on Paul Revere. Look it up. I am so sick and tired of leftist bullshit. Do your homework, fer cryin' out loud...
    12 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith The First Amendment states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The Establishment Clause prohibits the federal, state or municipal establishment of an official religion or other preference for one religion over another, non-religion over religion, or religion over non-religion.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith
    The Establishment Clause's meaning has been a point of contention among different groups and its meaning has been interpreted differently at different times in American history. According to liberals, the Establishment Clause erects a wall of separation between church and state, although this term did not appear in the First Amendment but in a personal letter sent by Thomas Jefferson to church leaders in Connecticut.

    However, according to some conservatives, the Establishment Clause solely prevents the government from establishing a state church, not from publicly acknowledging God. According to the Pew Research Center, the majority of Americans identify with the latter view, with 67% of Americans even deeming the United States a "Christian nation"
    12 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith As for me personally, my rants are just my opinions, not based on anything else. I dont purport to be a political scholar.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith And my rant is not so much about a concept, as to Mr Otero being a hypocritical asshat for the reasons I mentioned, which all stand up on their own.
    12 hours ago ·
  • Tom Bulfin Why do you even care?
    11 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith
    LOL...that is a loaded question. Why does anyone care about anything? Most people are silent, others very vocal. Extremes and in betweens. I have my moments of outrage, and this was one of them. For the reasons I mentioned...mostly that he states it is about patriotism, not faith...yet how in the name of patriotism do you condemn gays, abortion, or the change in marijuana laws? That sounds like reasonable moral outrage, but not political. Not if you are saying the cure is to add God.
    11 hours ago ·
  • Tom Bulfin How can you reconcile your love for fellow human beings, and animals... at the same time embrace the "blind watchmaker" theory of Evolution. It makes no sense to me.
    11 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith I never stated my personal faith in this debate, just Mr Oteros hypocrisy, and my opinion that government should not dictate religion. I was very careful in that wording.
    11 hours ago ·
  • Harry Smith I dont like to wear labels...I have been called out from both sides, LOL. I post a couple of threads like this and my inbox fills up with people calling be a f**king lib, LOL. I can see all sides and have my own opinions and moments of outrage. I tend to not tilt at windmills that dont blow on me.
    11 hours ago ·
  • Tom Bulfin You would make a great lawyer, Harry. LOL I am so fed up with the obvious BS we are and have been spoon-fed for so long. Enough already.
    11 hours ago ·
See the link at FB here :  FACEBOOK POST